The purpose of Internet use in school is to raise educational standards, to promote pupil achievement, to support the professional work of staff and to enhance the school’s management functions.
The Internet is a vital tool in our school’s aim of delivering a rich, balanced and exciting curriculum. With more and more children accessing the Internet outside school and as part of a social context, we have a duty to support pupils in becoming competent and safe users of this technology. The Internet brings many benefits to education for both pupils and staff. Pupils need to learn the importance of checking reliability and accuracy of information they obtain from digital sources.
Security of the school’s information systems will be regularly reviewed, and pupils will be taught the information that can be safely shared with others. Anonymous images of pupils will be used where appropriate, and with parental permission. Although social networking does not feature as part of our curriculum use, pupils will be taught how to use it safely and appropriately as part of their e-Safety education. Internet access is filtered to ensure that content is appropriate to the age and maturity of the pupils, and new technologies are carefully assessed for educational benefits before their introduction into school. Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made available according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR regulations.
Our academy’s staff and children have recently been working with Simon Finch, local e-safety and digital literacy expert based in the north east. His website, http://simfinuk.co.uk, collates e-safety information for parents and children and is an excellent source of knowledge to keep up-to-date on all things e-safety.
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